Accelerating agrarian reform implementation in Indonesia


From: 12/07/2022

To: 11/07/2027

Partners: Consortium for Agrarian Reform (KPA)

Associates: Agrarian and Spatial Planning Ministry/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN)
Ministry of Environment and Forestry/MoEF (KLHK)
Executive Office of the President (KSP) Geospatial Information Agency (BIG) National House of Representatives (DPR) Sub-national governments and legislative assemblies (DPRD)

Stakeholders: Local communities, including women and marginalized groups, and in particular KPA member organizations in 22 Provinces who have claims over 772,573 ha of land and forest
150,000 families of farmers, fishermen, indigenous peoples, and women in rural areas from 94 People's Organizations (POs) at district, village and sub-village levels.
600,000 people will be involved and benefit from KPA support, including local women leaders and organizers, as well as young people in villages and people's organizations

KPA is working to ensure 327,000 hectares of land are incorporated into the government conflict resolution and land distribution mechanisms, and 50,000 of that is titled. They will document land rights and conflicts in about 445,000 hectares and strengthen governance in 10 model agrarian reform villages. The project has components for women and youth participation, human rights defenders, and capacity building.  

To read a brief overview of Indonesia, click here.

For a timeline of land and forest rights in Indonesia, click here.

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