Strengthening the territorial security and organizational capacity of the Indigenous Peoples of Panama

The National Coordinating Body of Indigenous Peoples in Panama (COONAPIP) is working with indigenous authorities and government to advance the territorial security of the Indigenous Peoples of Panama.


From: 01/08/2018

To: 31/07/2020

Partners: National Coordination Body of Indigenous Peoples in Panama (COONAPIP)
Fiscal sponsor: Program for Social Promotion and Development (PRODESO)

Associates: Government of Panama: National Land Administration Authority (ANATI)
Ministry of Environment
National Commission for Political and Administrative Limits
National Geographic Institute “Tommy Guardia”
Vice Ministry of Indigenous Affairs
Office of the People’s Ombudsman
Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Stakeholders: Indigenous Peoples, communities, and their traditional authorities
Government agencies responsible for land titling and environmental management

The initiative will build the capacity of COONAPIP and its member congresses and councils to secure, protect, and govern indigenous territories. In addition to preparing applications for title, the initiative will address claims blocked by the Ministry of Environment because they overlap with protected areas. In Panama, 80% of indigenous lands without title overlap with protected areas. The initiative will also build the capacity of indigenous women leaders. It scales up the successes of the Tenure Facility pilot project in Panama which advanced titling of 223,500 hectares in four territories and resolved 18 tenure conflicts affecting communities, and applies lessons learned from that experience.

To read a brief overview of Panama, click here.

For a timeline of land and forest rights in Panama, click here.


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