Strengthening the capacity of community land development and management committees (CLDMCs) to implement their mandates (Phase 2 extension)


From: 01/01/2019

To: 31/03/2022

Partners: Foundation for Community Initiatives (FCI)
Parley Liberia
Sustainable Development Institute (SDI)

Associates: Liberia Land Authority

Stakeholders: Communities
Women, youth, immigrants and other socially excluded or marginalized groups
Local and national civil society organizations
Government ministries
Development partners
Private sector
Liberian society

This project phase builds on the achievements of the Tenure Facility’s pilot project to scale-up rights recognition under the Land Rights Act (LRA) across Liberia. This second phase, extended to March 2022, aims to support communities consolidate their formal ownership and enhance the governance of their customary land and forests.  


To read a brief overview of Liberia, click here.  

For a timeline of land and forest rights in Liberia, click here.   

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