Plan for the protection and legal security of the indigenous territories of the Colombian Amazon


From: 12/06/2023

To: 11/06/2028

Partners: National Organisation of the Indigenous Peoples of the Colombian Amazon (OPIAC)
Amazon Conservation Team (ACT)

Associates: Gaia Amazonas Foundation

Stakeholders: Approximately 1,719 indigenous families will benefit from the creation and expansion of resguardos, legally recognised territories designated for indigenous communities, in the Colombian Amazon and from the recognition of Indigenous Councils as territorial entities.

OPIAC and ACT will help 108 indigenous Amazonian territories to prepare and submit claims to the National Land Agency for new or larger titles to 400,000 hectares of forestlands. OPIAC will support two territories covering 942,405 hectares to create and manage two indigenous councils, to be recognised as local governments under Decree 632. The project will also invest in strengthening OPIAC as well as the Amazonian Regional Roundtable, a platform for negotiations between government and Indigenous Peoples.  

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