From: 01/02/2023
To: 30/01/2028
Partners: Parley Liberia
Liberia Land Authority
Landesa, Foundation for Community Initiatives (FCI)
Sustainable Development Institute (SDI)
Stakeholders: 39 communities in the counties of Grand Bassa, River Cess, Sinoe, River Gee, Bong, Lofa and Nimba.
Parley, FCI, and SDI have collaborated with the Liberia Land Authority since 2019 to implement the Land Rights Act. In a previous project they assisted 24 communities to obtain land certificates for 583,934 hectares and to establish community land governance bodies (CLDMCs). Now they are supporting these 24 communities to go through the last steps towards obtaining formal land deeds and helping an additional 15 communities to get land certificates. They are also training the CLDMCs to prepare land use plans. Landesa is advising them on how to strengthen their gender equality work and women’s rights through residential land deeds on customary lands.
To read a brief overview of Liberia, click here.
For a timeline of land and forest rights in Liberia, click here.
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