From: 15/06/2022
To: 15/02/2025
Partners: Black Communities Process (PCN)
Observatory for Ethnic and Peasant Territories (OTEC) at the Pontifical University of Javeriana
National Land Agency (ANT)
Afro-Colombian Agency Corporation Hileros (Hileros)
Stakeholders: The project aims to support approximately 57,348 Afro-descendant families who are dealing with territorial claims and conflicts over already titled lands, across 359 Community Councils in 21 departments of Colombia. The project also aims to train at least 40 Afro-descendant authorities and public officials involved in Afro-descendant territorial issues in topics that are crucial for the collective titling and protection of Afro-descendant ancestral lands in the country.
This project, which builds on work begun in 2018, will improve the tenure security of 359 Afro-descendant Community Councils over 1.1 million hectares nationwide. Together with the National Land Agency, the PCN and OTEC are assisting 344 Community Councils to advance their efforts to obtain titles to 586,000 hectares. They are also working to protect 15 Community Councils, which already have title to 509,165 hectares, from external threats. Public officials and community leaders are being trained about Afro-descendant territorial rights and efforts are being made to promote women’s land rights and participation.
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