Building on decades of advocacy and lessons learned in the successful Tenure Facility pilot project, this initiative capitalizes on the current momentum in Indonesia for agrarian reform, social forestry, and recognition of indigenous rights. Led by the Indigenous Peoples’ Alliance of the Archipelago (AMAN), the initiative aims to enhance tenure security over 2 million hectares of land and forest.
From: 15/11/2018
To: 30/06/2021
Partners: Indigenous Peoples’ Alliance of the Archipelago (AMAN)
Indigenous Territory Registration Body (BRWA)
Consortium for Agrarian Reform (KPA)
Indigenous communities
Local communities
District and national government agencies
It will set the stage for scaling up implementation of indigenous and local community land rights by piloting new approaches that can be replicated, feeding lessons into national policy dialogues, and promoting collaborative management of indigenous forests that overlap with conservation lands. The initiative also promotes the rights of women and their full participation in decision making.
AMAN is twinning its strengths with those of two longstanding partners. The Agrarian Renewal Consortium (KPA) is Indonesia’s largest national organization working for farmers. KPA fights for a fair agrarian system and prosperity for poor people. It promotes secure ownership, possession and use of agrarian resources for peasants, fisherman, and Indigenous Peoples. The Indigenous Territory Registration Body (BRWA) establishes and promotes standards for community mapping and documentation, acts as a single reference for community maps, and registers, verifies, and certifies claims. It feeds data to the Government’s geospatial agency which implements the national ‘One Map’ initiative. One Map’s purpose is to ensure that land rights and use data is integrated and accessible to decision-makers to enable efficient and conflict-free land-use planning.
To read a brief overview of Indonesia, click here.
For a timeline of land and forest rights in Indonesia, click here.
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