Legal security of indigenous territories: claiming ancestral rights in Peru

Continuing to work with government to secure indigenous land rights


From: 01/11/2020

To: 31/08/2022

Partners: Peruvian Environmental Law Society (SPDA)

Associates: Native Federation of the River Madre de Dios and Tributaries (FENAMAD)
Organización Regional de los Pueblos Indígenas del Oriente (ORPIO)
Ministerio de Agricultura y Riego (MINAGRI)
Ministerio de Cultura (MINCUL)
Gobierno Regional de Loreto (GOREL)
Gobierno Regional de Madre de Dios (GOREMAD)

Stakeholders: Indigenous Peoples and native communities, peasant communities and Indigenous Peoples in isolation and Indigenous Peoples in initial contact.

This project seeks to build on previous projects by continuing the titling of native communities while strengthening governmental institutions and indigenous organisations, both of which have proven to be key allies in the titling process. Alongside this, it is essential to guarantee the protection and management of those territories already titled, as well as of the reserves of Indigenous Peoples in voluntary isolation. In this way, legal security is addressed in a comprehensive manner, serving the interests of Indigenous Peoples and the sustainable management of their natural resources.

To achieve this, the Peruvian Society of Environmental Law (SPDA) proposes to engage on a new front, drawing on practical experience, that facilitates the implementation of legal mechanisms for the defense and management of natural resources by Indigenous Peoples. Finally, it is proposed to continue promoting the collective rights of Indigenous Peoples, offering a special focus on the circumstances occasioned by the coronavirus.

To read a brief overview of Peru, click here

For a timeline of land and forest rights in Peru, click here

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